Food Hunt @ Taipa Village 氹仔, Macau

Having brunch earlier meant that we have some stomach space for afternoon tea-break. After touring old town of Macau, we crossed the bridge back to Cotai area and made our way to a small village called Taipa 氹仔. The village is right opposite Galaxy Macau and is also accessible via a travelator bridge near The Venetian.

In the sleepy village, one particular street called Rua do Cunha 官也街 is the epi-centre of most activities. Almost all the street snacks are congregated on this small pedestrian street. If you walked from Galaxy Macau, you’ll first spot the Starbucks (on left side) and Durian ice-cream shop Mok Yi Ji 莫義記 (on right side) at the start of the street. The shop sells normal durian ice cream and also premium D24 ice cream. We only purchased the normal durian ice cream and their gelatina 大菜糕. The durian ice cream was quite nice, at least it doesn’t taste too artificial. The gelatina is too ordinary to be mentioned here…

Taipa Village_01

A few shops down the “food street” (on right side) is Bitter Sweet 必达士 specialising in Serradura (sawdust) 木糠蛋糕/布丁desserts either in cake or pudding form. Due to the hot weather we decided to eat-in to enjoy a bit of air-con. We were told at the cashier that there is a minimum spending requirement for eat-in – each person must order at least 1 item. Hence we had the Serradura cake and a Mango pudding. The sawdust is basically crushed cookie in powder form. The “cake” doesn’t have any sponge cake but is layered frozen whipped cream (I think). The chilled mango pudding was a nice dessert to cool us down =)

There is also an outlet of Seng Cheong 诚昌饭店 specialising in Crab congee along this street (on left side) but we were still too full from brunch for congee…and we’ve shortlisted another eatery to try crab congee.

As with most touristy street in Macau, this street is lined with numerous omiyage shops such as Koi Kei Bakery 鉅記手信 and beef jerky shops.

When we reached the end of the short street, we made a left hand turn and walked along Rua do Regedor 地堡街 to find San Hou Lei Bakery 新好利咖啡饼店This old-school shop sells freshly baked Bird’s Nest Tart.

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Other than Bird’s Nest Tart, they also sell a variety of tarts and simple cafe dishes such as sandwiches, toast, instant noodles. We only ordered the Milk tea and bird’s nest tart. It’s a pity that the tart was too hot for me to truely taste the subtle bird’s nest…in fact I burnt my gums from the smoking hot tart…(partly cos we were in a slight hurry to finish and go catch our show…). Nonetheless its nice to sit down and experience having a meal in the cafe with very HK-styled decor and ambience. The booth seats and tiled mozaic flooring is a familiar sight commonly found in old city area of HK as well.

After leaving the cafe, we continued our walk along the street where we came from and made a left turn into Rua Correia da Silva 告利雅施利華街. Walking against the flow of traffic, you’ll see a yellow building housing the Tai Lei Loi Kei 大利来记, said to be the original store. Although they now have many outlets around Macau, many people still like to come here as it’s often believed that the quality here is better. We skipped this as well cos we planned to visit the branch in The Venetian another day rather than queue here and forcefully gorge down the huge pork chop bun 猪扒包 – which turned out to be a mistake…will post about it later.

With that we completed a small “circuit” tour of Taipa Village. Of course if you have the time you can explore the tiny lanes hidden between the small streets and experience the fun of “getting lost” in the back alleys.

Other Photos:

After having brunch at The Eight, we walked to Senado Square and Ruins of St Paul’s.

Ruins of St Pauls

The highlight of this short tour of old town is actually a small lane called Travessa Da Paixao (loosely translated as Lane of Passion) 恋爱巷 which we took sometime to find. Actually its very near the Ruins of St Paul’s. Instead of walking up the flight of stairs up to vantage point, keep left and walked on a lane called Rua da Ressurreição 大三巴右街 and you’ll find this lovely lane lined with pink and yellow buildings on each side. Great for photo-taking as well as a meaningful lane to go with your loved one =)

Travessa Da Paixao

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